Bespoke Cigars

Bespoke Cigars

Exclusive Cigars Tailored to your DesiresTasteWishes

Bespoke Cigars

We Create Unique Cigar Blends, Crafted to your Exact Preferences

Unavailable for Anybody else on Earth

The Exclusive World

Bespoke Cigars

Passion for Details

Custom Configuration of Every Cigar aspect for Infinite Pleasure

Bespoke Cigars

Unique Identity

Transforming each Cigar into a hand-rolled reflection of Yourself

Bespoke Cigars


Since 1990 designing rare & ultra limited cigars for the most Memorable Moments

Be part of an elite and distinguished group of cigar connoisseurs with the opportunity of collaborating with renowned cigar blend masters .

Let us work on Your Unique Cigar Blend info@cigartailors.com

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USA : +12146929214